CPR General Submission Guidelines

Cider Press Review, a journal of contemporary poetry, seeks to discover and publish the best of new poetry written in English—writing that showcases craft and substance, poetry that has something to say and says it beautifully. CPR actively seeks new original work and translations into English from both established and emerging poets. We especially encourage submissions from writers who are female, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ identifying, and/or otherwise from communities traditionally underrepresented in U.S. literary magazines and journals. Our only criterion is excellence.

The editors read submissions of individual poems from February 15 to May  31 each year, and full manuscripts (in conjunction with the CPR Annual  Book Award and Editors Prize) between September 1 and November 30 and  again between April 1 and June 30 each calendar year. Short reviews of full-length poetry collections are considered year-round. 

Please Click here for CPR Book Award Guidelines and Journal Submission Guidelines.  

Cider Press Review publishes online issues six times per year–February, April, June, August, October and December. Issues may be periodically compiled into ebook volumes.

CPR considers only poetry or translations of poetry in English. CPR accepts simultaneous submissions so long as we are notified. 

Submit up to 5 poems during the open submission period (February 15-May 31). Please submit no more than once every six months. Writers can submit using submittable [or use button below]. Beginning in 2019, we will no longer accept postal mail submissions. CPR does not accept emailed submissions. There is no reading fee for individual poem submission for the CPR journal.

Cider Press Review publishes online issues four times per  year–January, April, July, and October. Issues may be periodically compiled into ebook volumes.

We welcome reviews of full-length books of poetry in English in approximately 500 words. We do not consider reviews of chapbooks. Reviews will be considered year-round. Writers can submit using submittable. Beginning in 2019, we will no longer accept postal mail submissions. CPR does not accept emailed submissions. There is no reading fee for reviews or individual poem submissions for the CPR journal.

Cider Press Review